Worm Composting with Soil Biology and Compost Tea Course Series

01/07/2020 06:00 PM - 02/18/2020 09:00 PM ET


  • $40.00


Come and learn with 3 hands-on workshops; how to bring more life to your soil, grow healthier plants and grow nutrient-dense foods through worm composting.


1) Introduction to Soil Biology
Tuesday, January 7th, 6 pm-9 pm

2) Benefits of Worm Composting
Tuesday, January 28th, 6 pm-9 pm

3) Worm Composting Tea
Tuesday, February 18th, 6 pm- 9pm

All courses take place at RiverCOG, 145 Dennison Road, Essex, CT from 6 pm-9 pm.
In the event of snow, each course will move forward to the Thursday of the same week.

Instructor: Monique Bosch is trained in landscape design, horticulture and soil biology, Monique is a community leader, teaching about healthy soil/healthy food. She has worked with volunteers to build over 40 edible school and community gardens and farms in CT and RI. Monique founded Wiggle Room, LLC.